About Me

I've been a lover of food since I was a child.  Yes, there were those nights that I was forced to sit at the dinner table, pushing around cold peas and wishing I had a dog to clean them off my plate.  I come from a family whose slogan was "you don't have to like it, but you have to try it."  This bred 2 children who were adventurous eaters from the start -- ordering steamed clams at the shore while still in diapers.

I started experimenting with cooking at a young age, spending snow days in my neighbors' kitchen with their daughter, dumping random ingredients together in the hopes of developing a wonderful new cookie.  { Our main ingredient was always cereal... not sure why we thought that would be good... }

Nowadays, our family slogan is "it's all about the food".  Trips are planned around it...weddings are planned around it...life is planned around it!  Everything I know about food and entertaining I learned from my family or is self taught.  I don't have any professional training.  ChowGals is all about learning as you go, using your imagination and all the while creating fabulous food and fabulous parties.  That's what life is all about!


  1. so fabulous :) cant wait for all the fun on here :)

  2. way to go....can't wait to see what's next. Pop pop would be so pleased!!!

  3. I would love to try one of your cereal cookies :) the site looks great!!

    1. haha -- my favorite ones were made with Rice Krispy Treats cereal. Kelloggs represent!


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